Sitemap - 2020 - Getting things into, out of, and across heads

#28 - I'm taking some time off

#27 - The real challenge with problem solving

#26 - Sketchnoting

#25 - Should I be a generalist or a specialist?

#24 - SECI Model

#23 - Three ways to remembering more of what you read

#22 - Knowledge Worker's Communication Guide: Meetings (part 7)

#21 - Inefficient communication: yes please!

#20 - Radical Listening

#19 - Knowledge Worker's Communication Guide: Sins and Pitfalls (part 6)

#18 - [book] Why Are We Yelling

#17 - How I got better at synchronous communication

#16 - Knowledge Worker’s Communication Guide: Commandments and Best Practices (part 5)

#15 - How I Read and Consume Audio/Video Content

#14 - Three Types of Listening

#13 - Knowledge Worker's Communication Guide: The Mad Lib (part 4)

#12 - Create More, Consume Better

#11 - Book Summaries and Podcast Notes: Are they useful?

#10 - Knowledge Worker's Communication Guide: 4 Steps to Bulletproofing Your Communication (part 3)

#9 - Asking for help

#8 - How to have good conversations

#7 - Knowledge Worker's Communication Guide: The Rules (part 2)

#6 - Nerdy Blogging: Tools and Workflow to Writing and Publishing Online for the Technically Savvy

#5 - Knowledge Worker's Prayer: Communication Guide - The Pieces (part 1)

#4 - Just in Time vs Just in Case

Getting things out #3 - Hard writing makes easy reading

Getting things in #1 - Three ways to learn

#1 - Don't get ahead of yourself

Getting things out #2 - 7 Things Roam Did Right

#0 - Welcome to Getting Things Into, Out of, and Across Heads